Well, we see many different ways how to get rich. You can be rich in memories. You can be rich in experience you make throughout your lifetime. Or you can be rich thanks to your friends and their achievements too. There is just many ways one can become rich and it doesn’t need to
be necessarily the wealth what makes you happy by the end of the day. Becoming rich is a colorful palette of combinations. And getting old? That’s another part of the story. It’s just the way it is and no one can turn it around. So better face it or just don’t worry about it.
This is what we do
Need something visual? Something that moves? Give us a call! We do all kinds of that stuff - commercials, music videos, animations, plus anything else that you can think of.
This is how we do it

1. Idea
Where the magic is born. Give us your idea, or let us develop it for you.

2. Script & Storyboard
The bible of the production. We write down what should be done, and how. For those who can’t read we add pictures.

3. Preproduction
We find the right place, people, equipment, and magic spells.

4. Shooting
The core of the job. From single shot to large production with drones and explosions, we are here to fulfill your wishes.

5. Postproduction
The polishing stage. Add more flames, flying shark, or just remove wrinkles? You name it.

6. Happy end
We love to tell stories and finally we can share one together. Everybody gets happy and rich.

Vít Hašek
+420 736 162 091

Jindřich Trčka
+420 605 545 544